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[MGX] Handguard - KSpec - Krinky Front

[MGX] Handguard - KSpec - Krinky Front

SKU : MWRPB020600

Welcome to the MGX MarkerSmith
-All MGX MarkerSmith parts are compatible with each other.
-Some MGX MS parts are essential to the proper function of the bodykit, therefore:
-You need to have 1x Core Lower and 1x Core Upper for MGX to work.
-All other parts are optional.


MGX Showcase Video


[MGX] Handguard - KSpec Mushka - is a 50mm KSpec Handguard Extender. It will turn a 100mm handguard to 150 and 200 to 250 and fit perfectly with an s63 tactical barrel to align the threads for a muzzle directly on the front sight post. The outter diameter must be 1 Inch for or smaller (with a shim) to fit this part onto the barrel.


-Classic AK Styling
-Easy to assemble
-Remains locked to you barrel 

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