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[MGX] Handguard - KSpec - Modern Front

[MGX] Handguard - KSpec - Modern Front

SKU : MWRPB020700

Welcome to the MGX MarkerSmith
-All MGX MarkerSmith parts are compatible with each other.
-Some MGX MS parts are essential to the proper function of the bodykit, therefore:
-You need to have 1x Core Lower and 1x Core Upper for MGX to work.
-All other parts are optional.


MGX Showcase Video


[MGX] Handguard - KSpec Modern Front - is a 50mm KSpec Handguard Extender. It will turn a 100mm handguard to 150 and 200 to 250 and connects to the handguard independent of the barrel. It comes with longer side picatinny rails and shorter screws (4x) for the new rails. The new side rails are made to fit perfectly with a KSpec100 handguard but also work on the KSpec200. See pictures for examples 

**You must use the shorter screws included in the kit (4x) and 2 TNut to mount the optional side rail. using the screws supplied withthe KSpec Handguard will damage/scratch your barrels outer surface**


-Modern AK Styling
-Easy to assemble
-Independent from barrel size

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